Thursday 16 June 2011

Brake lights on a trio of bikes making a nice pattern. These...

I’m doing a year abroad in Dublin next year…anyone know any places to go / check out (?)

Yes, you can cross dublin without passing a pub.:

Awesome nerdy goodness. 

You have to respect a film club that has a consitution. Qlub is one such (not for profit) organisation. The main aims of the club in their words are:

to foster a safe, productive, fun space for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and queer (LGBTQ) people, as well as their friends, outside the pub-scene

to offer regular screenings of films of artistic merit and/or documental value, all of which are of interest to the LGBTQ community.

Their next screening is Can’t stop the music on Saturday 18th June at 3:30 pm. It should be noted that this film is listed among the 100 Most Enjoyably Bad Movies Ever Made in The official Razzie movie guide. Why not head along and argue the artistic merits of the film.

Screening details

Saturday 18 June 2011 @ 3:30 pm
(doors open at 3:15 pm)
 The New Theatre, 43 East Essex Street,
Temple Bar, Dublin 2 
(Entrance through Connolly Bookshop)

This one's for Leighton: "Is it Possible to Cross Dublin Without Passing a Pub?"

Dublin door, and Dublin cat

Chad K


Trinity College Library Dublin



seeing take that/robbie 2 times this weekend :)

just bought a tic for sunday, sitting.

Brake lights on a trio of bikes making a nice pattern. These were actually a collection of Dublin Bikes in the back of a trailer being transported back to the depot! [get print]

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