Monday 27 June 2011

our evening's adventure

Rainy day in Dublin, Ireland

My school just sent home a letter telling my mom I was fat. I hate High School. 

after class, megan, marina, travis (who’s also from svsu!), and myself decided to finally head into town (dublin) to wanderabout and get a feel for the city. we asked mary if it was okay to miss dinner, but reheat it later when we returned; she had no problem with our plan.

we got on a differnt bus than we rode this morning (11 rather than 46a), and made our way towards the city. we weren’t exactly sure when to get off, but we knew that trinity university was very close to one of the pubs that we wanted to check out. we thought it would be easy, just look for the old castle-looking buildings. seriously though, once we got into central dublin, so many of the buildings had an old architecture about them, so we randomly picked a stop to get off at. turns out, we were excatly right!

we made our way around a few blocks, checking a few bars and different shops. some bars were too crowded for our tastes, while some had such a formal presence it was intimidating (ironic, a bar is too formal.). just about on our last straw of looking for a pub to go to, we saw one on a side street, it’s called o’reilly’s.

we made our way to the upper level, where there were very few people, but enough to be ‘lively’. the bartender (conor) was a funny guy, just a few years older than me. i ordered my first legal drink: a guinness. it was pretty good, it felt weird ordering though. i asked conor what his favorite beer is and he said galway hooker. after hearing that i’ve never heard of that brand, he let me have a small glass of it to share with the girls and travis. this may sound weird, but it had an aftertaste that was like coffee. it was different, that’s for sure.

after finishing our drinks, we made our way back to the bus stop, then back to our home. we had another delicious dinner (this time with mashed potatoes and broccoli-two of my favorites) and with a dessert of bread pudding.

i’ve enjoyed some tea, and it’s time to begin my homework for tomorrow.

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