Tuesday 28 June 2011

bleeding through by fivebluefingers on Flickr.

Fink “Eye”. by -FiNK- on Flickr.

#Dublin flavor (Taken with instagram)

After tumbling through Tumblr over the past few weeks, I’ve decided that I’m undecided about what this blog should represent. My good friend blogs her travel diary entries, which read like a novel and almost always bring me to tears. I’ve stumbled across others who blog about music they love, food they love to cook and quotes they want to remember. They’ve all inspired me to do something bigger, better and out of the ordinary. 

Problem is, I just can’t think of anything. Part of me wants to make this about my life-changing experience in Ireland last summer. But, I’ve already blogged about it here. Granted, it is the typical day-to-day blog that my entire family read. So of course I left out the late, drunken nights where we stayed out until sunrise at 5:30 a.m. and my romantic 4-week tryst with an Irish lad I met. (That one I don’t need to blog about, I think I’ll always remember that!)

Which reminds me, today has been one of the WORST “I miss Dublin” days since I returned home on July 5, 2010. That day, I made the awful decision of watching P.S. I Love You and ended up crying at the parts I never used to cry at. Like the part where Hilary Swank goes back to Ireland and visits her dead husband’s family. Or the part where Gerard Butler sang “Galway Girl” in Whelans Pub. Or the breathtaking images of County Wicklow countryside. I can’t remember the last time I’d cried so much. 

I’m afraid if I tried to recount every single detail of that trip, I’d realize I forgot everything I promised myself I wouldn’t. That’s not a chance I’m willing to take just yet. I still like to think I’ll always remember the wonderful people I met, the rich Irish history I learned from Garbhan and Ed (two amazing tour guides) and will always keep in touch with my classmates who’ve become some of the best friends I have (I’ll do everything in my power to make sure it stays that way!). 

I think my good friend over at A Love Affair with the World summed up everything I experienced during those 5 amazing weeks with,

“I never knew the power of a country’s love until Ireland.” 

…Enough venting about how amazing Ireland is. Back to brainstorming what I’m going to make this blog about! You’d think a native Texan who moved to the Big Apple would have a lot more to talk about. But really, all I do is work and hang out with friends. Granted, we’re in one of the greatest cities in the world and sometimes I forget I live here, but I tend to be the type of person who sticks to routines and likes it that way.

Maybe that’s it. Maybe I’ll push myself out of my comfort zone and try new things - then blog about them. Hell, I already moved 1500 miles away from the only place I’ve ever lived and from my entire family. That’s a start, right? That’s not to say I don’t miss them terribly - because I do. And I can’t wait to spend an entire week for Thanksgiving back in my childhood house, in my cozy bed, snuggled up to my little cat Leonidus, whom I left in the care of my amazing parents. 

Great, now I’m Dublin-sick AND homesick. Awful combination! I’m going to attempt to sleep it off. This got way more emotional than I anticipated.

With love from New York City

bleeding through by fivebluefingers on Flickr.

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