Thursday 16 June 2011


Digital Tonic is a free to attend monthly networking night for digital media professionals in Ireland which is similar to UK’s Buy Our Own Beer Night. The aim of the Digital Tonic Networking Night is to give the digita…

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I know that face from somewhere by Shane Connaughton on Flickr.

Dublin 50 years apart

Write it whatever way you want to by Shane Connaughton on Flickr.

Strolling around Temple Bar. 

Shortly after this, Emily and I were kidnapped by three foreign men and taken to a salsa-dancing club. We managed to escape but while leggin’ it it down Grafton Street we were then stopped and interviewed on live radio about ugly men. 

Weirdest day in a while…

untitled by ??? on Flickr.

untitled by ??? on Flickr.

I’ll be lying if I said I was looking forward to this day.

I love my family and friends. I love my hometown. But I must admit - Dublin worked her charms on me. And she was effective.

I’m not ready to leave yet!

It’s like wanting to hit the snooze button when the alarm goes off for school or work. “Please. Just five more minutes?” (Or five more days, in this instance?)

It’s not easy for me to describe my time in Ireland. It wasn’t a vacation, but it didn’t feel like work. (In case you’re not in the know, it was for work.) It didn’t feel like much of a vacation, either. (But it wasn’t supposed to be that way. Yo, I didn’t slack off!) 

It just felt right.

I had my routine: Wake up, get ready, spend a day at the office. After work, I either went back to the hotel and unwound, did some shopping (and bought beyond my suitcase’s capacity…oops), or visited a pub to enjoy some live music while kicking back a pint (or glass…) of cider.

Looking back, I didn’t do very much sightseeing. Last Monday was the only time I allowed myself to do that. I saw plenty that day. (You can even read about it. And see the photos!) Was there more I wanted to see? Absolutely. 

However, that’s not necessarily a negative, given that I had experiences that left an indelible mark on my memory.

Touristy things can be fun to do. I try and seek out such things as much as I can. But there’s nothing quite like being in a tiny pub, surrounded by a group of people who are your friends, even if it’s just for the night. 

I may not have had the chance to see the castles or that Blarney Stone, but I experienced Dublin at its truest. At its best.

Having a coworker who is engaged to a musician seldom makes for a boring evening; through them, I was able to be a part of their world for a week. And it’s almost never-ending. There was nothing quite like being surrounded by musicians playing traditional Irish music and everyone singing, dancing, drinking, and simply enjoying the moment. 

I was sharing these thoughts with another coworker of mine, and when it comes to doing as the locals do - as opposed to sticking to strictly-tourist destinations - she put it best: “When you do that, it feels like you’ve been somewhere.”

I can say, with pride, that I have been to Dublin.

Special Thanks Time!

Again, I want to thank my company for affording me this opportunity, and always taking care of me (and the lot of us). When it comes to my career, I have it quite swell.

I’d also like to thank my coworker, Katherine, and her fiancee, Anthony, for being excellent hosts. They’ve introduced me to the real Dublin, and I’m more than grateful for their kindness. (And I’m happy my slow drinking amuses you!)

To the Irish staff at my company, it was a pleasure meeting each of you in person. I certainly owe you all a postcard from Philadelphia. (And I hope I appear less scary to you now.)

Dublin, you welcomed me with open arms. To every person with whom I even shared the smallest conversation, I appreciate your kindness. I admire your carefree attitude. I wish I could take that back home with me. (Well, I can certainly try…maybe I can squeeze it into my carry-on bag.)

To the rest of Ireland, sorry we didn’t have a chance to meet. Perhaps next time (and I’m almost certain there will be, as I want to start planning a vacation NOW), we can finally become acquainted. (Belfast, you know I want in on your hockey team.)

Finally, for all of you who read this blog: I apologize for such sparse content on this trip. Still, I hope you were able to take even one thing from it. (Even if that thing is, “That girl be crazy.”) I love blogging about my experiences because it’s the next best thing to smuggling each of you on the airplane and taking you with me.

With that, I end this chapter of my travels. Where in the world will I be next? Lessee, I’ve done Japan and Ireland this year alone. (That’s big, people.) I’ll go on a limb and say these things happen in threes. How does a September trip to Puerto Rico sound? 

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