Friday 24 June 2011

My shirt for Glee Live arrived today!

Madame Maud Gonne MacBride, working in her garden. / Dublin, Ireland / 1937 / Photographer: John Phillips [***]


After having turned down at least four marriage proposals from [William Butler] Yeats between 1891 and 1901, Maud [Gonne] married Major John MacBride in Paris in 1903 [Gonne had married MacBride to spite her French lover […] [Yeats] pointed out that marrying him could have spited the Frenchman as well.***]. The following year, their son, Seán MacBride, was born. […] [T]he marriage ended amid allegations of domestic violence, including the molestation of Maud’s then 11-year-old daughter [MacBride’s stepdaughter] […] Gonne and her husband […] could not agree on the future of their baby boy. She demanded sole custody and the right to educate and bring him up, threatening MacBride that if he did not agree to this she would take a case against him for divorce. MacBride stood firm and a divorce case began in Paris. The only charge against MacBride that was substantiated in court was that he was drunk on one occasion during the marriage. A divorce was not given and MacBride got visiting rights to see his son twice a week at his wife’s home. He exercised these rights briefly but decided to return to Ireland and never saw his baby boy again. […] [***]

— W.B. Yeats’ final proposal to Maud Gonne took place in the summer of 1916.
— 1917 (Oct.) W. B. Yeats (51) marries 25-year-old Georgie Hyde-Lees [***]
— [Gonne’s] son, Seán MacBride was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1974. [***]

Dublin on Flickr.

RowlyDelays on twitter: Delays are in Dublin! (minus half our gear) Fuckiiit!

(Looking good Fox!)

What do you guys think?

If you see me with that shirt walking around in Dublin, feel free to talk to me :D

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