Friday 17 June 2011

Kristen Wiig at Dublin, Ireland

Temple Bar - Cobblestone Street

untitled by ??? on Flickr.

St. Stephen's Green

Avoiding couples who are making out

Kindle and Beamish-my companions

Ivy, pink doors, Dublin

Walking in the rain has its advantages

Beautiful Dublin evening

Woah. Double rainbow.

Near the dorms on campus

The brave little grocery sack that could

You can’t fall in love with a city that you don’t walk in. (See lack of deep love for cities in Texas. (besides Austin))

So, I walked back from work tonight. In seemingly typical Dublin weather: a mix of sunshine and rain.

I was accompanied by some friends: Kindle and Beamish. Later I met up with Shiraz and one of his buddies, for free at the grocer’s.

I bought some groceries when it wasn’t raining. The cashier put them in a paper sack. I walked out and it was raining.


I left work around 5:30, slowly made my way through St. Stephen’s Green (see James Joyce). Took a break at little pub. Walked some more. Stopped at the grocer’s. Walked some more in the rain. Arrived back at campus about 9:00.

Oh, I was also accompanied by Andrea Bocelli, Pat Metheny, and Radiohead (of course).

A wonderful evening. 

O’Connell Monument on O’Connell Street. Dublin, Ireland

hug on Flickr.

best.friends. ?

i’m so afraid ._.

thug life by -dubliner- on Flickr.

Kristen Wiig at Dublin, Ireland

Kristen Wiig at Dublin, Ireland

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