Friday 17 June 2011

 Elephant rides around Dublin zoo in the mid 1900s

Hugh Cooney. What the jaysus is he all about? We’re really not sure but his videos are hilarious & creepy & clever as f*ck. In one of his most recent videos, which he screened at his live show on Wednesday night, one of them fairy fellas from the hills above Ballymore Eustace finds him and tries to lure him out for a drink. 

Also please check this out because it’s ACE

“Everyone’s Irish on March 17th.”

U2 in Dublin,Ireland-1st September, 2001 at Slane Castle

I took this last week at the Dun Laoghaire Movies in the Park. It would be nicer if it didn’t say “poo” on the end wall.


gravediggers in dublin, by evelyn hofer.

The Blessing of the Boats (by Salmon Leap)

An annual ceremony held at Bulloch Harbour, Dalkey Co Dublin.

40° 5’ 6” North
083° 7’ 24” West

While out of town last week for corporate training, MY HUSBAND GOT TO SEE THE DUBLIN (Ohio) CORN FIELD. I am *so* envious! 

No, really!

I just love random, little known installations. I had known about the cornfield for a while, but Husband didn’t. Imagine his surprise and bewilderment to drive around a corner and discover over 100 giant concrete ears of corn. I wish I had been there to see his reaction. He wasn’t aware that I knew about this installation, but he knows me well enough to realize this is something I’d adore. He took these pictures for me.

The Center for Land Use Interpretation (one of my very favorite websites) has this to say about it: 

The 109 giant ears of corn on a lawn in an office park near the town of Dublin is a project conceived by the artist Malcolm Cochran, in 1994, for the Dublin Arts Council. It makes a statement about the transition of much of Ohio’s landscape from farms to suburbs. The site, once owned by an agricultural researcher who hybridized corn, is now across the street from a new Nationwide Insurance company office, where 1,500 employees were recently relocated from downtown Columbus, a city that has one of the highest downtown vacancy rates in the nation.

The CLUI also provides a link to Roadside America’s page about the corn. I believe I could lose hours on both of those websites. I’m going to try to resist, but I take no responsibility for any lost time on your part ;)


 Elephant rides around Dublin zoo in the mid 1900s

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