Friday 17 June 2011

One Week in Dublin

Check out two new additions to the ERIC bands section

Dublin solo act KaraKara

and Dublin Duo Fuzzy Empire

Check em out here

Never by KaraKara

The Rolling Hours by Fuzzy Empire

The Dublin wheel at the Point.

Harry and Alfie playing in Temple Bar 3.

Check them out here

Old hooks on the Liffey docks.

Harry and Alfie playing in Temple Bar 1.

Check them out here

Harry and Alfie playing in Temple Bar 2.

Check them out here

Irish Artist Felim Egan: Why I’m Sailing – video | Occupied Palestine | ??????

I’ve been in Dublin for exactly one week now. Here’s a bit of what I’ve learned since my arrival:

  • Does Ireland have any meteorologists? If so, are they just told to wing it? Because the weather here is extremely unpredictable. An example of a typical day: Clouds, rain, LOTS of rain, clouds, sun, sudden rain, sun shower, sun. I’ve been good about keeping an umbrella with me everywhere I go. (Yes, I’ve yet to misplace/lose it. But there’s still time for that.)
  • I can’t determine whether or not I like the sun setting at 10 pm. I’ll lean toward “like,” but I imagine that will mess me up a bit when I return home. (Right now, the sun just sets at 8 pm there.)
  • “Crack” (spelled “craic”) in Ireland is not the same as “crack” in the US. I had plenty of fun finding that out on Tuesday.
  • I found a drink. It’s called cider. It’s made by Bulmers.  Something tells me I will miss this stuff when I leave. (Although, do they have it back in the States? If so, I’ve a feeling it’s “not the same,” just as people told me about Guinness.)
  • Regardless, I’m still a piss-poor drinker. It takes me forever to make it through a pint. People are kind enough to take notice of it here. :) (Or wait…they notice it back home, too. What? I like to take my time with the alcohol!)
  • Coin money is useful here. Someone, please help me remember that. I keep breaking 50s and I’m sure it ticks off the cashiers just a liiiiittle bit.
  • Irish people are incredibly friendly and carefree. It’s helped me to relax a bit, too!
  • I’m not quiiiiiiiite ready to go back to the States on Tuesday. I think I need to spend more time here. For work purposes. Yes, I think I need to accomplish more work-related things, somehow. (With much love to my friends and family back home, if you’ve ever been to Ireland, you may understand why I’m not eager to race to the airport.)

Most of my week has been devoted to working, but some evenings, I’ve kicked back and enjoyed a few pints at the pub. My past two outings, I’ve been treated to some excellent live music. (It also helps that my coworker’s fiancee is a musician - a very talented one at that.) Last night, I even got to dance the ceilidh. It made me a little dizzy at the end, but it still was so much fun!

I haven’t made much time for sightseeing, unfortunately. Today is my last “free” day in Dublin, and I may spend a majority of that going souvenir shopping  and doing laundry. (I really need clothes! “But you can just buy clothes.” Yeah, true.) We’ll see where the wind takes me. (It may be windy at one point today, knowing Ireland.)

It pains me to say that I haven’t done much of this, but I have taken few photos (via phone):

OK, allow me a moment to be immature and laugh like I’m hanging out with Beavis and Butt-head. Every time I walk by this store, I can’t help but be amused by this. I had to take a photo.

Add one more letter and you have my last name! Perhaps there is a relation somehow. 

Oh, a reminder of home. (It’s just missing Ryan Howard.)

Live at The Blarney Inn (last night). Excellent show. Click here to see / hear them play.

I can not be thankful to my company enough for allowing me the opportunity to come to Ireland. Work’s been great, of course. (I’m so happy I finally had the opportunity to meet our Irish staff in person!) The extracurriculars have made the trip even better. I’m truly enjoying myself here, and have met plenty of interesting people in the process. (Can I visit again soon? :))

It’s almost 10 am. I should finally treat myself to an Irish Breakfast, now that I’m up early enough / not hustling to work. (Although that scone I had on my way to the office one day was pretty good. Mmmm…scones. And strawberry jam. Cue Homer Simpson drooling sounds!)

Love you all!

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