Wednesday 22 June 2011


Trinity College in Dublin
Really old, beautiful smelling books from floor to ceiling

untitled by anotherdaphne on Flickr.


To kick off this blog, I’d like to begin by introducing those who live under a very large rock to one Leigh Arthur part of the inklude collective, she’s a super talented chick studying in IADT pour ce moment and, unfortunately for me and my penchant for perving ridiculously on her, she has traded Dublin for New York this Summer. The reason Leighs artwork sprang to mind so suddenly and decisively was because I was in the Bernard Shaw earlier and mid-pee in the girls stalls I look up only to be greeted by a lewd scenario skillfully drawn in what appeared to be a black sharpie, now, I’m pretty sure there aren’t many chicks in Dublin who get off on doodling that kind of delightful filth everywhere, but Leigh strikes me as one of them. Check out her blog here:

Leigh Arthur is one to watch, I’m often too blinded by her hilarity, her devastating good looks or the fact that she likes to talk about giant, artificial, male genitalia to remember or appreciate how talented she is, but what can you do?

Contact Leigh Arthur  here if you’re interested in hiring her, sending her explosive packages or asking her to be your friend, I asked her to be my friend once, it didn’t end well, but she accepted my third attempt at adding her facebook account which is nice.

*Photograph taken from ‘the Dubliner magazine’ in the issue where Leigh spent a long time talking about herself, an issue I particularly enjoyed, about an artist I particularly enjoy, I’m fighting a great battle against the urge to say something hideously smutty (she brings out the worst in me) so instead, I’ll leave this post as it is, don’t forget to pop down to the Bernard Shaw to check out some of Leighs work, and be sure to visit her blog at the above link for a wide range of her previous work.

The best cover. Find it at their Bandcamp.

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